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Mental Health Services Overview

According to Acumen Research and Consulting, the global behavioural health market is forecasted to grow at striking CAGR around 2.5 % over the forecast time frame and reach around US$ 240 billion by 2026. Mental health remains a relevant and difficult issue in the United States. Common mental disorders in the U.S. include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and dementia. As of 2017, around 15 percent of males and 22 percent of females reported some mental illness in the past year.

Mental health disorders are usually treated through therapy, medication, or a combination of both, depending on the disorder and severity. Access to quality and inexpensive mental health treatment is essential, but often lacking. As of 2017, the United States had around 11,582 mental health treatment facilities. However, it has been found that around 42 percent of adults with an unmet need for mental health care stated they did not receive mental health services in the past year because they could not afford the cost.

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